Liz, I appreciate you web tips. I hardly do any web surfing on my own, so it’s nice t get your whimsical pointers. I was really amazed what has been accomplished in colorizing old black and white films with AI. There used to be a cottage industry in colorizing black and white photographs by hand. The mom of one of my grade school friends had a studio in their home and specialized in large portrait photographs. There’s a scene in my novel, A Tale of Two Times, in which the travelers guidebook recommends taking note’s on the colors of a popular scene so the colorized version is authentic. Keep up the good work!

Awhile back we had an exchange about GM Hopkins’s idea of inscape. I’ve found a book on the whole subject (cheap on Thriftbooks) which I’ve started to read. It’s pretty dense but rewarding, so I give it a ten or fifteen minute wack on most days. The book is “Inscape” by James Finn Cotter. A good book is so much bigger than most web sites! JBSP

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